August 24, 2008

volley of questions from the audience (with some quips)

[14:15] Tom Bukowski: Okay, enough introduction, let's have a discussion! Ask anything you wish, there's no way I could possibly be offended
[14:15] Tom Bukowski: If too may questions pile up, Riven can help keep track
[14:16] Leeorie Alter: Tom how have you seen SL change?
[14:16] Azul Draken: there any overlap between your earlier work and the SL work?
[14:16] Tom Bukowski: Two good questions to start!
[14:16] Elegia Underwood: How did you account for the seamier side of SL... Gor, BDSM, etc?
[14:16] Tom Bukowski: ooh three
[14:16] Forelle Broek thinks bling is the seamier side of SL
[14:16] Riven Homewood: And perhaps Forelle and Leeorie will help keep track too, so we have some backup
[14:16] Azul Draken: Seamy is in your POV
[14:17] Elegia Underwood laughs, "That, too, Forelle."
[14:17] padlurowncanoe Dibou: do you teach in SL -- and what reactions do you get from colleagues and admin regarding SL and its education possibilities
[14:17] North Lamar: can you talk about reactions you have received to "virtual anthropology vs virtual ethnography"
[14:17] Tom Bukowski: (oh wow, so many good questions, I'll try to keep track)
[14:17] Leeorie Alter: lol
[14:17] Extropia DaSilva: I noticed you put "place" in inverted commas, as if you feel SL is not really a place at all. Well, why not? It is a 3d environment, it has community, society. And RL is mostly virtual, being predominantly fashions, commercialism, and monetary systems. So um, what is wrong with calling this a place?
[14:17] Azul Draken: Smart audience here If I do say so myself
[14:18] Cate Ceawlin: I would like to hear something about how if and how ethics issues in research are different from RL

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