August 24, 2008


"Coming of Age in Second Life"
Transcript of a Discussion led by Tom Bukowski
August 24, 2008

Organized by Riven Homewood
Director, Steelhead Public Library, Steelhead City, Second Life

Edited - Published by Sky Light
Publisher's Note


Second Life® is a trademark of Linden Lab and refers to the 3-D virtual world created by its residents, not to any other virtual world.

American Anthropologist Virtual Campus, Anteater Island, Second Life

[13:58] Tom Bukowski: Yes, welcome all. I designed this place all by myself, but sadly this may be the only event that takes place here. Unless I can find people to help me run this virtual campus I may have to close it soon - I just don't have the time right now.
[13:59] JJ Drinkwater: Time is the rarest commodity in SL.
[13:59] Elegia Underwood: Was that a thinly veiled request for volunteers?
[13:59] Tom Bukowski: No, not really lol. Ideally I'll get a grad student of mine or two to do it, but probably not doable.
[14:02] Riven Homewood: In that case - perhaps we should begin.

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