August 24, 2008

about sl, the audience comments

"SL is really all about friendship and community," Riven Homewood has said (14:04) while introducing the speaker.
[14:04] Mug of Ale whispers: Here, here!
[14:04] Elegia Underwood: And creativity.
[14:05] Riven Homewood: Yes! and creativity too
[14:05] Heidi Ballinger: and business
[14:05] Leeorie Alter: and learning
[14:05] Leeorie Alter: :)
[14:05] Heidi Ballinger: lol
[14:05] Azul Draken wonders how long the list will get
[14:05] Riven Homewood: Tom's book is scholarly and well documented
[14:05] Roy Smashcan: and sex *cough*cough*cough*
[14:05] Tom Bukowski: and shopping
[14:05] Demi Janus: self discovery
[14:05] Riven Homewood: LOL
[14:05] Gabrielle Riel grins at Roy
[14:05] JJ Drinkwater stifles Roy
[14:05] Forelle Broek hands Roy a coughdrop
[14:05] Extropia DaSilva: Trying to pigeon hole Sl never works, it can be too many things to too many people.
[14:05] Riven Homewood: anything else I missed?
[14:05] Azul Draken: fun?
[14:05] Galactic Baroque: and a home that wanders with you, for the travelers
[14:05] JJ Drinkwater: Fashion
[14:05] Riven Homewood: Right
[14:06] Riven Homewood: It's about all of those things
[14:06] Riven Homewood: and freedom
[14:06] Riven Homewood: and the ability to try things you might not be able to try in rl
[14:06] Leeorie Alter: nods
[14:06] Ludo Merit: Fun.
[14:06] Riven Homewood: this book talks about all that, and I'm really pleased that Tom is able to talk with us about it today

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